Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February NO Buy Update

You may have noticed I've been a bit absent from the internets lately (if you didn't you're no friend of mine!)
Anyhoo, 'tis because I am on a strict no buy - so I am avoiding the computer altogether.
So far this month I have only purchase two Sally Hansen Instant Cuticle Removers.
That's all! This is crazy for me!!

I am surprised how well I am doing - my creative energy has returned and I am swatching up a storm!
Soon I will return to regular blogging and I have a lot of interesting news to share))
Valentine's day will mark the half-way point of the month, and I can't imagine a better way to celebrate!

Thanks for stopping by -BBS!

PS stop by the blog sale and check out the new additions!


  1. Good work with the no-buy!!! I'm just about to start mine today because I have come to the realisation I am seriously out of control. I was going to start in January but I just kept....erm....buying stuff :(
    Have a lovely day, cheers

    1. Thanks! It's actually been quite easy! But I feel your pain - it's like you just can't help yourself LOL)) buy ALL the polish!

  2. Hey Nat, I'm also in the same boat. I am also on a no buy :(
    My untried drawer was so out of control it was taking more room than my trieds...lol. So I guess I will keep swatching what I have until the end of the month...I may even continue my no-buy through march as well.

    1. I feel so strangely empowered not buying anything! Like I am in control LOL I have a feeling I'll be continuing into March as well - still have so many new polishes from swaps to organize!

  3. Congrats! I'm not on a no buy but I have definately cut my spending back this month so far!

  4. its a good idea doing a no-buy in the shortest month :-P great job keeping up with your no-buy!!


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